For the past 20+ years, Silo Bags have been the cheapest and cleanest way to store almost any agricultural commodity. The Silo Bag can reach up to 120 meters long and store up to 300 tons of grain. That is all good, but what happens if the silo bag is damaged? How can it be monitored?
According to grain storage specialists, storing grain in silo bags for more than three months after harvest will increase the risk of losing grain quality and value – and the chances of damage to the polymer membrane (GRDC). Therefore, it is recommended to have weekly monitoring procedure to ensure the membrane is free of holes that would allow water to infiltrate and cause spoilage.
Per research that was conducted in Argentina to learn about the grain condition within the Silo Bags (made by Bartosik R.), a strong correlation was found between the grain storage condition and the CO2 level. RF-Networks Silo Bags Monitoring System continuously monitors the CO2/Temp/Humidity levels and alerts when identifying changes that can indicate the beginning of irregular conditions. The solution includes specially designed probes, inserted into the Silo bags to collect the data. These probes utilize the RFN-Tags to transmit the information to a central RFN-GW that sends the info to an application in the cloud for further analysis and alerts generation.
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